

Would you want to come across photos of yourself on a plastic surgery website? Most people wouldn’t, so you won’t find any photos of our patients here.

You will notice that unlike most plastic surgery practices, we do not present before/after photos on our website for public viewing. While we understand the desire to view actual before and after photos of Dr. DiBello’s work (and that some individuals have no issue with advertising they had plastic surgery by allowing their personal before and after photos to be published), the vast majority of Dr. DiBello’s patients are intensely private. Dr. DiBello is committed to fiercely protecting that privacy. Please also understand that not all patients agree to have post-procedure (or “after”) photos taken, and Dr. DiBello respects that wish. That being said, each and every client who consults personally with Dr. DiBello at DiBello Plastic Surgery will have the opportunity to review his extensive portfolio of before and after photos in the privacy of our office at the time of their consultation. These before and after photos are not a prediction or guarantee of your personal results, but are intended to be examples of Dr. DiBello’s breadth of work. Ultimately, there is no photo we could show you that captures the best and most natural results we would accomplish for the unique individual you are, which is a testament to Dr. DiBello’s immensely personable, personalized, and natural approach to cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery.

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