How to Get Rid of Jowls
The term “jowls” describes the sagging of the lower cheek tissues and skin as a patient ages that can extend to the jawline. As the jowls progress, the jawline becomes obscured (“broken jawline”), eventually hanging below the jaw and onto the neck.
While jowls are a common and often frustrating aesthetic concern, several surgical and non-surgical options exist to reduce their severity. In the hands of an experienced provider like Dr. Joseph DiBello, these treatments can create a more defined and youthful appearance.
At our practice, potential solutions for jowls include:
- Mini facelift surgery: For those patients whose jowling is limited to the lower cheeks and the jawline (i.e., not the neck) a mini SMAS facelift may be a very good option. The incisions are limited to just in front of the ears, and recovery is typically quicker than a full facelift.
- One-stitch facelift: If the jowling is limited to lower cheek sagging above the jawline, a “one-stitch” or “modified-mini” facelift may be a reasonable approach. This can usually be performed by Dr. DiBello under local anesthesia in the surgical suite at DiBello Plastic Surgery.
- Facelift surgery: A facelift – particularly the classic or “full SMAS” technique – involves the tightening and repositioning of the underlying facial muscles and tissue, including the neck. This popular procedure can dramatically reduce signs of aging, from jowls to wrinkles to deep creases and much more.
- Neck lift surgery: Often performed in conjunction with facelift surgery, a neck lift focuses on the lower face and neck area. This highly versatile procedure can address loose skin, excess fat, muscle banding, and other concerns, tightening and lifting the neck’s tissues for a more aesthetically pleasing jawline. A neck lift alone, however, will not address sagging lower cheek tissues.
- Facial fat transfer: Clients with reasonable skin tone and early stages of jowling may benefit from contouring the chin and jawline, as well as the lines around the corners of the mouth, using their own fat. This procedure is typically performed under local and light anesthesia in the office surgery suite with minimal downtime.
- Dermal fillers: A non-surgical approach, such as dermal fillers, may be the best choice for patients who wish to address less pronounced jowls. Many of these injectables contain hyaluronic acid, a naturally-occurring substance that aids in collagen production. An addition to the famed JUVÉDERM® product line, JUVÉDERM® VOLUX™ XC, was specially designed to sculpt the lower face, making it an excellent option for many who want to combat jowls.
Each of these treatments has unique benefits, and Dr. DiBello is often able to combine strategies for a comprehensive facial rejuvenation. If you are interested in reducing jowls and obtaining a smoother jawline contour, we welcome you to contact us today and schedule a consultation with Dr. DiBello to learn which option is best for you.
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